
How To Upload a Single Player Minecraft World to a Server | Bedrock & Java

upload single player world to server minecraft

Guide to upload any single player world to a Minecraft server for both Java and Bedrock edition.

Uploading Minecraft Worlds to a Server

There is nothing better than enjoying the map you have been building on a multiplayer server. You can do this easily for both Bedrock and java edition servers by downloading your single player worlds and then uploading them to your Minecraft server.

This guide is split into two sections:

How to Upload a World to Your Bedrock Server

This will work for any version, just be aware after the 1.18 – 1.19 updates. Once an older world is used with 1.18-1.19 it cannot then be used for older version again due to the world generation. So, take a backup of the original, but our guide is fine as it only makes a copy of the single player world.

  1. Login to Minecraft Bedrock edition and find the world you want to use and click the edit button.
    minecraft world bedrock
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “export world” then find an area on your pc to export it to.
  3. Right click on the .mcworld file, use 7-zip (or your preferred extraction method) and click on “Open Archive“.
    extract bedrock world files from mcworld 
  4. Now highlight and drag these files into an empty folder on your pc so they are all in one place.
    bedrock world files move to server
  5. Now stop your Bedrock server and login to your server with FileZilla
    minecraft world server files
  6. On the right side (the server files) double click on worlds, the repeat the same step to get to your server world files.
    bedrock server world files
  7. Now highlight the files you downloaded from your Minecraft world on the left side (your pc) to the right side (your server).
    move world to server minecraft
  8. Now select to overwrite the older server files with the newer ones from your pc.
    overwrite world server files bedrock
  9. Now just start your server up and the world will be uploaded to your Bedrock Minecraft server.
    start cross platform server

How to Upload a World to Your Java Server

This will work for any version, just be aware after the 1.18 – 1.19 updates. Once an older world is used with 1.18-1.19 it cannot then be used for older version again due to the world generation. So, take a backup of the original, but our guide is fine as it only makes a copy of the single player world.

  1. Login to your Minecraft launcher, find the world you want to upload and select edit.
    export java world minecraft
  2. Now select “Open world folder” to find the world files.
    java world folder
  3. Highlight all the world files and folders and move them to an empty folder on your pc.
    download java world files to upload to server
  4. Now login to your server files using FileZilla and open the world folder.
    world server files

  5. Now highlight all the matching folders/files on the left (your exported world) so that we can overwrite the server files on the right hand side.
    Move these files:
    – Data
    – Datapacks
    – Entities
    – Playerdata
    – Poi
    – Region
    – Level.dat
    – Level.dat.old
    upload java world to server
    Make sure to select to overwrite the original server files.
  6. Once the files are transferred you can start your server and your single player world will be uploaded to your server and ready to play.
    start cross platform server

Final Thoughts

Now you can easily upload or export your single player worlds and upload it to your server. You can now upload all your older icon worlds and share them with other online players!

Author Profile

James Flarakos
I love to make Minecraft content, and easy quick tutorials for others to use. And you can see more video and tips at www.jdogofficial.com