SEVTECH AGES Modpack Overview

By James Flarakos | October 11, 2021
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A detailed look in to the SEVTECH AGES modpack for Minecraft. Check out some of the great features you get with this huge modpack.
SevTech ages, much like Age of Empires, or Tropico. In the way that you advance through the game. Starting off with little knowledge so not able to craft certain items. As you progress though the game you unlock more that you can do or craft.
Advancement’s in SevTech Ages Modpack
This is an interesting way of setting up a modpack, when you start the game you start with nothing. With very little knowledge of Craftable items and things your able to do. As you progress along the game and earn further advancements (they have hundreds) you will find more Craftable items appearing on your game. As well as other awesome features like the mini map and other things.
You start from a simple age and can build all the way up to the space age and start exploring planets. Create your won rocket, fuel it and fly high in to the sky!
What Craftable Items and Blocks Do You Get?
The list is simply too long to write here, but with over 250 mods coming with this modpack you have almost every block you can imagine. From extra crops, different biomes, generators, utilities extra blocks ands items along with the JEI screen to help you craft this other items or find out what machine is used to craft them.
Another mod I noticed what immersive engineering which is one of my favourites as its takes some skill and practice to create power. How ever when you do its the greatest feeling being able to power your machines up after all the hard work.
Dont be too worried if you start and it doesnt look likes other gameplays, this again has to do with advancements in the game. Someone playing for ages will have more option than you and you can see this in the menu as it will say your not able to craft it yet. It will require you to fulfil another advancement to get to a higher level to get that option.
Weapons in SevTech Ages Modpack
With this being one of the largest Modpacks out there, you have a huge variety of weapon’s. You have many mods offering different weapons and some only available when you reach a certain level.
So make you choice a good one and make sure to find all the relative ingredients before crafting it. Of course making sure your able to craft it first by reaching the required level.
Is SevTech Ages Server Friendly?
Although a large modpack, the developer’s have made this very server friendly. Meaning you can run this on a server and play with your friends easily. Even the advancements have been codded to work player by player meaning that everyone on your server can still hold there personal levels and not lose out with any new comers.
First make sure to install the modpack to your pc.
If you dont have a server already you can install it on SeekaHost using our 1 click modpack installer and get playing with your friend’s today!
Check out our hosting packages, we recommend getting a 4gb package as a minimum to run this modpack due to the size of it. A larger package would be recommend to run even smoother. You can use the code 25OFF to grab yourself a 25% off discount for your first server, so take advantage of the deal and get your server for less here at SeekaHost.
Author Profile

- I love to make Minecraft content, and easy quick tutorials for others to use. And you can see more video and tips at www.jdogofficial.com
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